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Despite the weather that threatened Cleveland last week, Cardinal experienced strong interest in its Lil’ Brownies Savings Program at the Browns Training Camp in Berea and throughout the week at four of its branches. The program is available to all school-aged children (even those in kindergarten) and their families at no charge in partnership with the Cleveland Browns.
Fans were able to line up for multiple delicious flavors of ice cream, including Compounding Cookies and Cream, Credit-Worthy Chocolate and Millionaire Mint Chocolate Chip from the Cardinal Ice Cream Truck, while enrolling in Cardinal’s exclusive financial education program for elementary and middle aged school children. The program includes a free savings account along with Brownies the Elf VISA debit card. The card allows for parental controls, parental allowances, payment for grades, and budgeting plus other youth financial education tools.
Parents of school aged children in attendance last week were highly enthusiastic about the new concept especially with the Brownies the Elf VISA card that teaches real-life financial lessons. Many remarked that this was perfect for helping their kids learn about money management and one parent, who is also a schoolteacher, said the program was perfect for teaching kids about the value of money.
Parents love the convenience of being able to load money onto the card but also to monitor it and make it fun for kids with the Browns tie-in. Once enrolled, kids and their families are eligible to win home game Browns tickets and attend upcoming player autograph sessions.
The program is open through the Fall for parents wishing to enroll their kids. There is no fee to open an account. Once a member, families have access to additional perks, such as the Cardinal football-themed activity book that provides financial education facts, resources and information in a fun and entertaining format. These are available at any Cardinal branch throughout northeastern Ohio.
For more information and to sign up for the Lil Brownies Savings program, please visit:

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